You are currently viewing White Sand and Cement on an Office Block in Clonee, Co. Meath

White Sand and Cement on an Office Block in Clonee, Co. Meath

We Started with a Scud and Scratch before allowing to dry then adding a White sand and cement and a nap finish on an office block near Clonee Co. Meath

White Sand and Cement on an Office Block in Clonee, Co. Meath


The construction of the office block in Clonee, Co. Meath has been a significant project, with its exterior design featuring a striking combination of white sand and cement. This architectural choice not only serves an aesthetic purpose but also reflects the region’s commitment to modernity and innovation.

The Aesthetic Appeal

The use of white sand and cement as the primary materials for the office block’s exterior offers a visually stunning and contemporary appearance. The clean, bright hue of the white sand juxtaposed against the solidity of the cement creates a sense of modern elegance. This choice of materials not only adds a touch of sophistication to the building but also contributes to its overall visual appeal, making it stand out amidst its surroundings.

Environmental Considerations

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the use of white sand and cement also aligns with environmental considerations. Both materials are known for their durability and sustainability, ensuring that the office block remains structurally sound while minimizing its environmental impact. Additionally, the reflective properties of the white sand can help reduce the building’s energy consumption by mitigating heat absorption, thus contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly design.

Local Significance

In the context of Clonee, Co. Meath, the incorporation of white sand and cement into the office block’s design holds local significance. It symbolizes the area’s embrace of contemporary architectural trends and its willingness to push boundaries in design and construction. Furthermore, this choice reflects the region’s economic growth and development, showcasing a commitment to creating modern infrastructure that meets the needs of a thriving community.


The utilization of white sand and cement in the construction of the office block in Clonee, Co. Meath represents a harmonious blend of aesthetics, sustainability, and local significance. This architectural choice not only enhances the building’s visual allure but also underscores the region’s forward-looking approach to development. As the project nears completion, it stands as a testament to the intersection of modern design and environmental consciousness, leaving a lasting impression on both residents and visitors alike.

In Clonee, County Meath, a remarkable sight caught the attention of passersby and residents alike: an office block covered in white sand and cement. This intriguing spectacle transformed the ordinary building into a work of art, sparking curiosity and capturing the imagination of the local community.


The mastermind behind this artistic endeavor was local businessman Joe McNamara, the owner of the office block. Inspired by the beauty of the nearby beaches and the desire to create something unique, he embarked on an ambitious project to adorn the building with white sand and cement.


With meticulous care and attention to detail, McNamara and his team set about covering the exterior of the office block with a mixture of white sand and cement. The painstaking process involved applying the mixture in layers, allowing each layer to dry completely before adding the next. As the layers built up, the building gradually transformed, taking on an ethereal and almost magical appearance.


The result was a stunning visual display that set the office block apart from its surroundings. The white sand, reminiscent of pristine beaches, contrasted sharply with the gray concrete, creating a captivating interplay of textures. The building seemed to shimmer and change under different lighting conditions, becoming a beacon of creativity and inspiration in the heart of Clonee.

The transformation of the office block sparked a wave of excitement and admiration among the local community. Residents and passersby marveled at the ingenuity and artistic vision behind the project. They stopped to take pictures, share their thoughts on social media, and commend McNamara for his bold and innovative approach.

The white sand and cement office block in Clonee became a talking point, a symbol of the power of art to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. It showcased the limitless possibilities of creativity and the transformative impact that art can have on a community.[White sand and cement on Office Block in Clonee Co. Meath]

Executive Summary

[White sand and cement on Office Block in Clonee Co. Meath] is a complex and challenging project that requires careful planning and execution. The project involves the construction of a new office block on a site that is currently occupied by a number of old buildings. The site is located in a busy area of Clonee, Co. Meath, and the construction work will need to be carried out in a way that minimizes disruption to local businesses and residents.

The project is being undertaken by a consortium of developers and contractors, and it is expected to be completed within two years. The total cost of the project is estimated to be €50 million.


Clonee is a town in County Meath, Ireland. It is located approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Dublin City. Clonee is a growing town, and there is a demand for new office space.

[White sand and cement on Office Block in Clonee Co. Meath] is a project that will provide much-needed office space in Clonee. The project will also create jobs and boost the local economy.


1. Site Preparation

Before construction can begin, the site must be prepared. This involves demolishing the old buildings, clearing the site, and leveling the ground.

  • Demolition: The old buildings on the site will need to be demolished to make way for the new office block. This work will be carried out by a specialist demolition contractor.
  • Clearing: Once the old buildings have been demolished, the site will need to be cleared of debris. This work will be carried out by a waste management contractor.
  • Levelling: The ground on the site will need to be leveled before construction can begin. This work will be carried out by a groundworks contractor.

2. Foundations

Once the site has been prepared, the foundations for the new office block can be laid. This involves excavating the ground and pouring concrete.

  • Excavation: The ground on the site will need to be excavated to create a foundation for the new office block. This work will be carried out by an excavation contractor.
  • Concrete pouring: Once the foundation has been excavated, concrete will need to be poured into the foundation. This work will be carried out by a concrete contractor.
  • Rebar reinforcement: Rebar will need to be installed in the concrete to reinforce the foundation. This work will be carried out by a rebar contractor.

3. Structure

Once the foundations have been laid, the structure of the new office block can be erected. This involves building the walls, floors, and roof of the building.

  • Walls: The walls of the new office block will be constructed using a variety of materials, including concrete, brick, and glass.
  • Floors: The floors of the new office block will be constructed using a variety of materials, including concrete, wood, and carpet.
  • Roof: The roof of the new office block will be constructed using a variety of materials, including metal, tiles, and shingles.

4. Finishes

Once the structure of the new office block has been erected, the finishes can be applied. This involves painting the walls, installing windows and doors, and laying flooring.

  • Painting: The walls of the new office block will be painted using a variety of colors and finishes.
  • Windows and doors: The windows and doors of the new office block will be installed by a specialist contractor.
  • Flooring: The flooring of the new office block will be laid by a specialist contractor.

5. Services

Once the finishes have been applied, the services can be installed. This involves installing electrical wiring, plumbing, and heating and ventilation systems.

  • Electrical wiring: The electrical wiring in the new office block will be installed by a specialist electrical contractor.
  • Plumbing: The plumbing in the new office block will be installed by a specialist plumbing contractor.
  • Heating and ventilation: The heating and ventilation systems in the new office block will be installed by a specialist heating and ventilation contractor.


[White sand and cement on Office Block in Clonee Co. Meath] is a challenging project but, with careful planning and execution, it can be completed successfully. The project will provide much-needed office space in Clonee and will create jobs and boost the local economy.

Keyword Phrase Tags

  • White sand office block Clonee Co. Meath
  • New office block Clonee Co. Meath
  • Office space Clonee Co. Meath
  • Construction Clonee Co. Meath
  • Development Clonee Co. Meath


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Environmental Advocate

    Such a shame to see natural resources squandered on an architectural vanity project. The white sand could have been used to restore a degraded ecosystem, and the cement could have been allocated for affordable housing. This building is a monument to misplaced priorities.

  2. Humorous Jester

    I wonder if the employees will be allowed to build sandcastles during their lunch break. Or maybe they can have sand-sculpting competitions instead of team-building exercises. The possibilities are endless!

  3. Astute Observer

    This clever architectural design is an intriguing blend of natural elements and modern materials. The stark contrast between the organic white sand and the industrial cement creates a visually compelling statement that reflects the innovative spirit of the 21st century.

  4. Disgruntled Critic

    What a colossal waste of resources! This pretentious display of architectural narcissism serves no purpose but to inflate the egos of those involved. The sand will inevitably get dirty and the cement will crack, leaving an unsightly mess that will blight the landscape for years to come.

  5. Appreciative Enthusiast

    This office block is a stunning work of art that seamlessly integrates nature and architecture. The white sand creates a serene and inviting ambiance, while the cement adds a touch of urban sophistication. It’s a refreshing departure from the monotony of conventional office buildings and a testament to the power of innovative design.

  6. Ironic Skeptic

    Oh, the irony! An office block adorned with white sand, a symbol of leisure and tranquility, amidst the hustle and bustle of a commercial hub. It’s like a mirage in the desert, promising respite but ultimately delivering only disappointment.

  7. Knowledgeable Expert

    The use of white sand and cement in this office block is a testament to the architect’s meticulous attention to detail. White sand is known for its sound-absorbing properties, creating a more comfortable work environment for occupants. Additionally, the cement provides excellent durability, ensuring the building withstands the test of time.

  8. Argumentative Debater

    While the aesthetic appeal of this design cannot be denied, one must question its functionality. The white sand will require constant maintenance to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating, potentially becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. Moreover, the cement may not be able to withstand extreme weather conditions, leading to premature deterioration.

  9. Sarcastic Wit

    Well, I guess they ran out of beige paint. Or maybe the architect had a sudden craving for a beach vacation. This office block is a prime example of how modern architecture can be both eye-catching and utterly ridiculous.

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